1st Ray of Light of Will and Power

1st Ray of Light of Will and Power - Soul Meditations with Kasia Rutkowska-Parkes.
Welcome to a series of podcasts dedicated to the Rays of Light, created by Ursula Barbieri and Kasia Rutkowska-Parkes.
The Rays of Light are extensions of the universal consciousness, cosmic currents that run from the source level and vibrate with different qualities and colors.
The pure energy of the Creator is split and made accessible to us through 12 Rays. The source energy needs to be filtered down because it is not available to us in its purest form.
By learning to embody the specific qualities of each Ray we achieve wholeness of being.
The first 3 Rays are classed as the key rays for humanity, enabling the manifestation of the Soul on Earth. These are ray 1 of Will and Power, Ray 2 of Love and Wisdom and Ray 3 of Active intelligence. Ray 4 to ray 7 are extensions of Ray 3. The latter 5 Rays are known as Higher Rays supporting the merge of the Soul with the purest divine energy.
The 1st Ray of Light is the Ray of Will and Power. The Ray is overseen by Master St. Germain and Master El Morya. The Archangels of the Ray are Michael and Faith.
The Ray of Will and Power is red and holds a vibrant and powerful energy. It is the Ray of leadership, of action and dynamism, of wilful determination. The quality of its power is raw and wild, connected to the lively Kundalini energy in our body. The Ray is associated with fiery and passionate deities such as the wild feminine Kali and the huntress Diana, or gods like Shiva the warrior and the wild masculine Pan. It is also associated with Michael, the warrior and protector. The Ray gives us the power to manifest our purpose, in harmony with the Creator’s will. In fact, we only use power with integrity when we follow our Soul’s purpose.
In this journey you are going to call upon the energy of the Ray and transform anything limiting Will and Power in your life.