Alchemy Circles

- Sunday, June 12 at 3.00-6.00 pm UK GMT.
With Katarzyna Rutkowska-Parkes.
Price: £40 + Fee
Early Bird: £35 + Fee, until 23rd May
The 2nd Ray of Light: Love and Wisdom
Kasia and Ursula invite you to our next webinar in the series of Alchemy Circle dedicated to the Rays of Light.
The Rays of Light are cosmic vibrational currents that run from the Source level. They are expressions of different qualities of God’s essence. Each ray holds a specific frequency that we can call into our energy field to help us fulfil our Soul purpose.
During this webinar we will work with the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom. Love is the essence of the Universe and everything stems from the loving core of the Creator. Humanity is becoming attuned to the energy of this Ray, as we are learning to uncover the Divine inside ourselves, through unconditional love and by mastering the spiritual laws of wisdom. This Ray anchors the energy of the Soul in the physical body allowing us to experience the ‘I am’ Presence of Love.
There will be information, discussion, guided meditations and group sharing. We will work in sacred space to invoke the Ray, to clear its lowest vibration and access its positive qualities.
We hope you will join us to experience the 2nd Ray directly and bring its qualities into your life.