Befriend your Pain Body

Welcome to the podcast 'Conversations with Goddesses', the Feminine way of Soul Connection and Working with Energy. The podcast is run by Kasia Rutkowska-Parkes and Ursula Barbieri, expert healers and modern spiritual seekers. Short talks and meditations for Inspired Living.
Befriend your Pain Body
Why do we keep repeating the same painful patterns, why do we feel we are like ‘addicted’ to pain?
During this podcast we explore the pain body - the energetic field which holds the imprints of our past suffering and distress.
It has been following us for centuries with the memories of our ancestors still affecting us in the present time.
We also talk about the joy body and how through presence and conscious awareness we can befriend and heal our pain body.
In the last part of the podcast you will find a meditation helping you to connect with your pain body and your ancestral line, in order to release the suffering and reclaim the positive qualities passed on to you by your ancestors.