Earth Man and Earth Woman Meditation

Audio-recording of Unit 5 - The Root Chakra - Master Your Energy E-course
In this meditation you are going on a journey to meet your Earth Feminine and Earth Masculine, those part of you most connected to the energy of the Earth, the alive primordial life force of the material existence, of our body and of the natural world all around.
Meditation Script
Sit in your sacred space, your temple of light, anchored below to the Earth and above to your Soul.
Open to the energy of your Higher Self filling your space with light. Open to the field of light all around you. Feel the Earth energy holding you.
From your sacred space imagine walking into the light and in a place in nature.
Feel with all your senses, find your way to an entrance, a cave. The cave feels safe.
Walk inside it until you reach a river and lie in it.
Allow the river to take you into the earth, deep down through layers of rocks and earth.
Keep flowing down until you reach a shore. Meet the guardian there.
Intend to meet at first the Guardian of the Underworld, representing the unified archetype of the Earth Feminine and Earth Masculine, the raw kundalini power of the Earth energy in both its female and male qualities.
The guardian at first shows her Earth Feminine aspect: she is the Earth Mother in her warm unconditional love, she is the ecstatic Lover in her vibrant and passionate sexuality, she is the Earth Priestess/the Witch magical and intuitive, she is the destructive Kali as a powerful force of transformation, she is the wise Crone as the spiritual leader and more…. She is the red fiery energy, from the molten lava of the earth core, giving birth to a myriad of forms, she is Earthy Love, creating and nurturing life all around, in the cycle of death and rebirth.
Now observe how the Earth Feminine lives within you and the Guardian/Lady of the underworld is helping you to see or feel how this feminine Earth energy lives in you.
Allow an Earth Feminine Self to come forth, in whichever aspect you perceive her in the present moment. Take your time and sense her at all levels, how does she look like, how old is she, how is the energy expressed in her body, feel her emotions. Maybe you see colours or symbols or notice a message about her. It is possible that she is hidden, her energy in the shadow and disowned. Is she expressive, exuberant, strong or withheld and timid? Is she confident in herself or maybe angry? Merge with her energy, feel her in your body.
Notice if she is wounded, listen to her, allow her to express her feelings. You are holding her in the expansive light of your Higher Self and you are supported by the Guardian/Lady of the Underworld.
Listen to her, acknowledge all her feelings. You may need to do some healing. You may need to liberate her power. If there is a core emotion, let it arise and release it. It maybe hurt or fear or anger or tension and tiredness in the body. Ask your Higher Self and the Lady Guardian, these higher vibrations of light, to do the healing. Use your breath. Let go of anything in the way for her energy to be expressed freely.
Now that you have released any blocks or tension or emotions, embody your Earth Goddess Power. How does this power feel like, which is the quality you need right now. Feel it in your body, maybe an image arises or a symbol. What is the quality of being, the talent, the gift you are receiving?
Own the power of your Earth Feminine, allowing the grounding of her energy. Stand firm in your Earth feminine, both open and powerful. Receive and embody this Earth Feminine Self.
Take a moment to re-centre yourself. Breathe and relax in your sacred space.
The guardian is now showing you his Earth Masculine aspect: he is the Earth Father, a leader able to hold and protect, he is the ecstatic Lover in his vigorous potency, he is the Magician witty, eclectic, creative, he is Shiva the destroyer of illusions and the Warrior, he is the wise shaman Elder. He is the warrior with the lightening thunder, protecting the tribe, he is focused will and determination, propelling force initiating action. He is the steady force holding the grounding and safety of the community.
Now observe how the Earth Masculine lives within you and the Guardian/Lord of the underworld is going to help and assist you.
Allow an Earth Masculine Self to come forth, in whichever aspect you perceive him in the present moment. Take your time and sense him at all levels, how does he look like, how old is he, how does he feel in his body, feel how his radiance and power is expressed. Maybe you see colours or symbols or notice a message about him. It is possible that he is hidden, his energy in the shadow and disowned. Is he radiant and active or withheld and tired, maybe weak? Is he confident in himself or maybe angry? Merge with his energy, feel him in your body.
Notice if he is wounded, listen to him, allow him to express his feelings. You are holding him in the expansive light of your Higher Self and you are supported by the Guardian/Lord of the Underworld.
Listen to him, acknowledge all his body sensations and feelings. You may need to do some healing. If there is a core emotion, let it arise and release it. It maybe hurt or fear or anger or tension and tiredness in the body. Ask your Higher Self and the Guardian/Lord, these higher vibrations of light, to do the healing. Use your breath. Let go of anything in the way for his energy to be expressed freely.
Now that you have released any blocks or tension or emotions, embody your Earth God Power. How does this power feel like, which is the quality you need right now. Feel it in your body, maybe an image arises or a symbol. What is the quality of being, the talent, the gift you are receiving?
By opening to your feelings you are allowing the vulnerable side of your Earth Masculine. By owning the power of your Earth Masculine you are allowing the strong grounding of this energy. You are now standing strong in your Earth Masculine, both vulnerable and powerful.
Now see your Male and Female Selves together, maybe holding hands. The two selves are now strong in their own power and vulnerable enough to be intimate. They are in partnership, helping each other, in a dance of one Energy. There is nurturing love and protective holding, in togetherness.
Allow the marriage within. One energy into the other, in a dance of surrender and love, like the serpent-like energy rising along the spine. The two energies are intertwining like two serpents and rising along the spine. They become one at the crown where they will be fused as one single energy. Breathe and feel the energy of your Higher Self streaming down.
Centre in your heart and and sit in presence in your temple of light.