Self Love Meditation

Audio-recording of Unit 8 - The Heart Chakra - Master Your Energy E-course
In this meditation you are going to connect to the ‘I Am Love’ presence and heal those situations in your life that mirror lack of love and self-love. By embodying the light of your wise and loving Soul, you will understand your repetitive patterns of heartbreak, and release any suffering associated. You will reaffirm your state of natural wholeness, as a radiant being of Love and Power.
Meditation Script
Connect to your breathing and entrain a state of stillness
Follow the slow rhythm of inhalation and exhalation
Anchor in the body, feel the breath in the body
Breathe in a place in your body where you feel good, calm and steady
Maybe the belly or the legs or the heart
Breath in and out from there until you feel still and steady
Your intention is to connect to the ‘I am Love’ state of presence and heal any heart-breaks, that deny the essence of Love and Light that you are.
Think about a heart-break, in relation to people, groups or projects
A situations that mirrors lack of love or self-love in your life
Where you don’t feel loved, valued or accepted as you are
Who or which situation trigger feeling of hurt, rejection, betrayal, grief or any other suffering of the heart, that touches the core of your being.
This may be a recent pattern, yet it is repetitive
The distress may be happening right now, but somehow it recalls a pattern
Observe the suffering, the anxiety, the discomfort
Observe the body sensations, the emotions and the thoughts
Breathe, remember your anchor, stay detached
Observe your behavior and the behavior of the people around
Allow everything to be as it and just observe it.
Track other examples or memories that recall the same pattern
Remember your anchor and the breath
Intend now to connect with your Higher Self
Intend to merge with the light of your Soul
Intend to be immersed in the Love and energy of your Soul
The light is surrounding you and entering every cell of your being.
Ask the part of you that has feelings to be come forth
Connect energetically to the part of you in distress
You are now sensing the whole situation from a much closer space
You are present with the sensations, feelings and mental turmoil
At the same time, you are the wise expanded being of light holding the space around
Allow all of your feelings, thoughts and memories to emerge
Your Higher Self is helping, showing you events of the past and patterns
Allow the grieving, all buried emotions
Keep connecting to your body and breath
Allow the insights, keep exploring memories and observe.
Ask yourself how did the heart-break happen:
How did you behave, how did people behave around you?
What were you thinking, what were other people thinking?
Which feelings and emotions were present
What is the advice of your Higher Self, what do they see?
Ask yourself which of the universal laws of Love were broken:
Self Love: Did you abandon or betray yourself somehow?
Did you disown your value, your essential worth?
Did you give away your power for Love
Wholeness: Did you look outside yourself for Love or validation?
Did you look outside for something you thought you didn’t possess?
Projections: Did the social environment not meet your expectations?
Did other people betray you?
Core ‘I am not’ belief
What is the core feeling when you think about this repetitive pattern of heartbreak
Come to a core belief, core thought, core judgement
Come to a statement that negates Self-Love and
the essence of Love that you are.
I am not
I can’t
I don’t know
When you are identified with this core belief, what happens to you?
How do you react and behave?
What happens to your energy, especially in the heart.
Connect to your I am Presence, your Soul, your Higher Self
Ask your Higher Self to love and embrace you
Use your anchor and your breathing
Embrace yourself, hold yourself, love and accept yourself unconditionally
Intend to forgive and to release
Release all the emotions, forgive yourself and the others
Your Higher self is holding you and you can let go deeply
Your Higher Self is hearing you and understanding you
You are loved and accepted unconditionally
You can relax and open and let go of all your suffering, your pain, your grief
Your Higher self also knows your beauty, strength and uniqueness, your pure Light
And you feel appreciated and loved
I am Presence statements
Ask yourself what do you need right now?
Which thoughts, or emotional energy or behavior do you want to invite in
Ask your Higher Self to show you an essential affirmation,
a core commitment you are ready to embrace
Find an affirmation that neutralizes your negative core belief
I am love
I am life
I am strong
I can
I know
Embody the affirmation
Open your heart and allow the light of this affirmation to sink in
Embody it fully, open and breathe it in your heart, and in your whole body
Hold a hand on your heart and state your commitment to your Self
Visualize this new state of being informing your life, or the situations you need to change
Breathe your affirmation in and out of your heart, anchor yourself in the heart, radiate its light to the whole of your being and into the world.