The Liberated Self
Zoom webinar on Tuesday 19 May at 5.00pm-6.30 pm
With Ursula Barbieri and Kasia-Rutkowska-Parkes
Free/donation based
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Meeting ID: 876 2544 6263
Password: 026564
The intention of this webinar is to open ourselves to the presence and guidance of the Divine Self.
We are going to work energetically with the Crown chakra, which allows us to master ourselves and surrender all attachments standing in the way of our Spiritual Connection.
When this chakra is in balance, we become the Observer and feel deeply at peace as our individual self is merged into a state of oneness with all life.
Are you able to detach from the grip of your mind and be fully present in the now?
Are you able to observe and let go of limiting attachments?
Which rigid beliefs are blocking your connection to Spirit?
Is your conscious and aware Sage Self in charge of your life?
In this workshop we will examine:
How you can reevaluate your past and let go of painful attachments blocking you from becoming one with all there is.
How you can develop a state of detached awareness.
What identities are causing you mental suffering.
How to open to the joy and bliss of divine presence.
Which Light Feminine or Light Masculine energy you need at present.
Free event or donation based (payable via paypal to Please confirm attendance by email to Ursula: or Kasia: